Having trouble growing your hair?

If your goal is hair growth, you’ve come to the right article. This article will break down this goal into three simple things that you must do, and then some other tips that can help you elevate and potentially get even better results. Let’s get right into it.

Before we get into the tips you need to understand the two sides of this goal

Your scalp – where your hair grows from.

The health of your scalp determines the quality of the hair that you grow. If your scalp is itchy, dry, flaking or inflamed in any way. It’s going to affect you’re the quality of hair that you produce.

Your hair – where most people experience breakage, split ends, dryness.

When your hair leaves your scalp, it’s dead. If you have habits that damage your hair, it cannot repair itself like your skin can. So, you need to incorporate habits that are gentle to your hair.

 Three tips to get to your hair growth goals

1. Scalp massage with an oil formulated for the scalp

Massaging your scalp with our Scalp Elixir increases your blood flow, delivers essential nutrients to your scalp, and exfoliates your scalp by loosening debris on the scalp.

Doing this at least once a week has immense benefits to your scalp as proven by numerous clinically studies. A study by researchers in Japan analyzed the effect of scalp massages on hair and it was found that daily 4-minute scalp massages over a period of 24 weeks increased the thickness of hair.

Our Scalp Elixir contains two essential oils (thyme and rosemary) which are abundant in terpenes with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-fungal properties. We also added 9 other carrier oils which are high in fatty acids, conditioning compounds and antioxidant properties. These 11 oils combined benefit the surface of your scalp, and it penetrates your scalp to deliver these incredible compounds to your hair follicle too.  

2. A clean scalp

Aside from the sebum your scalp produces there are other external factors such as pollution, dust, and styling products. These all settle on your scalp mixed with your sebum to create a very unfavorable environment. 

When your scalp isn’t happy, you’ll experience itchiness, dryness, scalp flaking which will result in weaker hair, can exacerbate hair loss and stunt your hair growth progress. This is why we recommend that you wash your hair at least once a week.

We strongly recommend adding a Shampoo Brush to your wash routine as well. Our Shampoo brush has 25 soft silicone bristles that gently, but thoroughly, clean your scalp.

3. Apply a light hair oil on your mid shaft to your ends to protect the hair

Applying a light hair oil, like our Nourishing Hair Oil, to your ends and mid shaft help you avoid damage and breakage.

Breakage means that regardless of the hair growth happening at your scalp, your ends are breaking making you lose that growth 

The ends of your hair are the oldest part of your hair. Hair grows at an average pace of 6 inches per year. Let’s put that in perspective, shoulder length hair that is straight is roughly 14 inches, and curly hair at shoulder length is 16-18 inches. So, the ends of shoulder length hair can be between 2 – 3 years old.

It's important to protect the growth you have so that it remains healthy, and you can continue to grow your hair

We curated the Perfect Hair Routine bundle that addresses the essential three tips
1 - Massage with the Scalp Elixir
2 - Deep clean with the Shampoo Brush
3 - Protect your hair with our Nourishing Hair Oil

Shop this bundle here

Here are some other things you can do

Incorporating the three tips listed above will make a huge difference in your hair growth goals. And here are some additional tips that can help you reach your goal faster by protecting your hair

  • If you have split ends chop them off. The only cure to a split end is a scissor. Nothing else.
  • If you are heat styling your hair, add a water-based heat protectant to your hair prior to applying heat
  • Sleep on a satin pillowcase to protect your hair while you sleep


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Massachusetts General Hospital. (2001, February 19). Blood Vessels Hold Key To Thicker Hair GrowthScienceDaily. Retrieved October 31, 2021 from

Koyama, T., Kobayashi, K., Hama, T., Murakami, K., & Ogawa, R. (2016). Standardized Scalp Massage Results in Increased Hair Thickness by Inducing Stretching Forces to Dermal Papilla Cells in the Subcutaneous TissueEplasty16, e8.

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