Giving Back

When we thought about our social impact, there were many directions we could have gone in. But first, let’s look at how we view social impact. The most important aspect of social impact for us is accountability and transparency. Yes, it is easier to select a cause and donate to it. People do it because they have good intentions but maybe don’t have the bandwidth to constantly follow up, ensure funds are going to the right place, that a specific life or lives are changing for the better. Creating an impact is hard work.

Considering our small business and limited human resources we wanted to approach our social impact arm in a manageable manner. Our passion is education. Education can mean many things, primary school education, secondary school education, vocational, higher education, specialty, etc. It’s the notion of gaining further knowledge that can empower an individual.

    We will update this section with progress when we kickoff this initiative.

    As a benchmark, 10% of our profits will go to support our social impact arm.

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