The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Shampoo and Conditioner for Your Hair

One of the most common questions we get, “What shampoo and conditioner should I use?”. And we can understand why this is a common question, there are a LOT of options out there. Considering that your wash day is one of the critical steps in your hair care routine, it is important to be happy with the products you are using. So, we’re going to demystify the task and take you step by step through the process on selecting your ideal shampoo & conditioner.

Step 1. Understanding Your Hair

Take a moment to understand your hair's individual needs. Assessing your hair type involves considering factors like texture, curl pattern, and porosity.

Hair Texture:

Different hair textures have varying requirements when it comes to product consistency. Fine hair, which can be easily weighed down, often prefers lighter formulations. On the other hand, coarser hair may benefit from richer, more nourishing products that provide the extra moisture and control needed to manage its natural thickness.

Curl Pattern:

Whether you do or don’t have a pattern in your hair matters as well. The curlier your hair is, the more it tends to be dry, this is simply because the pattern in your hair makes it difficult for sebum to travel down and also having a pattern eans your cutciles are adjusting to the “bends” in your hair. Curly and coily hair types often benefit from moisture-rich formulas. Look for products that provide deep hydration to enhance the natural bounce and definition of your curls. Straight hair on the other hand, usually prefers light formulations, but this also depends on your porosity and texture.


Hair porosity indicates your hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. High porosity hair tends to absorb and lose moisture quickly, this type of hair requires formulas that enhance moisture retention. Whereas low porosity hair has trouble absorbing moisture due to the tight hair cuticles, this type of porosity prefers light formulations.

Click here to learn more about hair porosity

Step 2: Decoding Ingredient Lists

While some hair types might love one ingredient, other hair types can have the opposite effect. Navigating ingredient lists is an important step in finding the right products. Familiarize yourself with key ingredients and their effects on your hair. Here is a gerenal guide:


Consider sulfate-free options, especially if you have colored or dry hair. Sulfates can strip away natural oils, leading to dryness.


For those with sensitive skin, paraben-free formulations may be preferable. Parabens are preservatives that some people choose to avoid due to potential skin irritation concerns.


While silicones can provide a smoothing effect, they may weigh down fine hair. Opt for water-soluble alternatives to avoid product buildup.


Different types of alcohols are present in hair care products. Choose formulas with fatty alcohols, which are moisturizing, over drying alcohols.

Click here to learn about alcohol in your products, the good and the bad

Step 3 Choosing the Right Shampoo

The purpose of shampoo is to clean your scalp and hair. Separate this requirement from conditioner which hydrates your hair. Ok, let’s go into shampoo choices:

Cleansing Strength:

Select a shampoo that aligns with your cleansing needs – gentle for daily use or clarifying for occasional deep cleansing or a standard shampoo for those who wash 2-3 times a week.

Avoid drying alcohols:

Your shampoo should never make your hair feel “squeaky clean” it should feel clean, but with your natural oils intact

Specific Concerns:

Address specific concerns like dandruff, color protection, or scalp sensitivity. Shampoos come with various formulations to target these issues effectively.

Step 4 Choosing the Right Conditioner

Now, let's turn our attention to the other half of the dynamic duo – conditioner. Choosing the right conditioner is equally crucial for maintaining healthy and luscious locks.

Hydration Level:

Select a conditioner based on your hair's hydration needs. Deep conditioning formulas work wonders for dry hair, while those with oily hair may opt for lightweight options.

Detangling Properties:

Especially crucial for those with curly or coily hair, look for a conditioner that aids in detangling. This can make your post-shower hair care routine much more manageable.

Repairing Formulas:

If your hair is damaged, look for conditioners with repairing properties, often enriched with proteins to strengthen and restore.

Step 5 Trial and error

The reality is that once you are more intentional about picking your shampoo and conditioner, you will go through a trial-and-error process. This means going through a few brands until you find one that works best for you. 

Sample Sizes:

Consider starting with sample sizes before committing to full bottles. This allows you to test the product without a significant investment, helping you gauge its compatibility with your hair.

Observing Results:

Pay close attention to how your hair responds over a few uses. Note any changes in texture, shine, or overall health.

Additional Tips:

Frequency of Washing:

Consider your lifestyle and daily activities when determining how often to wash your hair. Active individuals may need more frequent washing, while others with a less hectic routine can afford to space out their wash days.

Climate Considerations:

Adjust your choice of products based on factors such as humidity, temperature, and pollution levels. For instance, in drier climates, you might lean towards more moisturizing options.

Professional Advice:

When in doubt, seek guidance from a professional stylist. Stylists are equipped with the knowledge to assess your hair's specific needs and can provide personalized recommendations. Their expertise can be invaluable in crafting a hair care routine.

Emphasize Individuality:

No two heads of hair are the same, and what works for one person may not work for another. Embrace the uniqueness of your hair and encourage experimentation. It's through trial and error that you'll discover the products that truly enhance your locks.

Consistency is Key:

Allow time for products to work their magic. Things like an allergic reaction or your hair feeling drastically worse are certainly indications that the product is a no-go. But for the most part, if you’re finding a product that you kind of like, give it some time before you make your final assessment on it.

In conclusion

Finding the right shampoo and conditioner is a journey. Armed with knowledge about your hair type, ingredients, and specific needs, coupled with the wisdom gained through trial and error, you'll be well on your way to achieving a healthy and vibrant mane. Remember, your hair is as unique as you are, so celebrate its individuality and enjoy the process of discovering what works best for you.

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