How to deal with post-partum hair loss

As if nine months of pregnancy, an eventful delivery, the post delivery recovery, taking care of your new baby wasn’t enough…just when you think you maybe are getting the hang of things…. here comes post-partum hair loss. We’re going to discuss the basics of post-partum hair loss, why it happens, what to do, and how long before you get your hair back

Is post-partum hair loss normal?

Yes. It is a form of Telogen Effluvium, which is sudden hair loss or excessive shedding. It usually occurs 3 months after a triggering event which includes the birth of your child.

Why does it happen?

During pregnancy, the growth stage of the hair cycle is longer meaning that the number of shedding hairs is reduced which makes your hair feel full and voluminous. After delivery your hair cycle goes back to its regular schedule so all the additional hairs that should have been shed during your pregnancy, is now ALL being shed post-delivery. So, the hair loss feels abundant but it’s mainly because the hair cycle was “interrupted” during pregnancy.

Can you avoid post-partum hair loss?

No, there is no medication or treatment that will shield you from this inevitable next step. It’s worth noting that not ALL women experience post-partum hair loss, and not all women experience it the same way.

You’re experiencing post-partum hair loss, what can you do?

Not much. Telogen Effluvium tends to self-correct in 6 or so months. If there is a product that claims to “fix” your post-partum hair loss, honestly look away. That is what we call unethical marketing. 

What we would recommend is that you continue your healthy hair habits which includes pre-shampoo oil treatments, washing your scalp properly, and being gentle with your hair in-between wash days. If you’re interested in some healthy hair tips, you can find them here.

And if you’re going through this right now, my heart goes out to you, it is not fun. But it will be fine in a few months, hang in there mama!


Piérard-Franchimont C, Piérard GE. Alterations in hair follicle dynamics in women. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:957432. doi: 10.1155/2013/957432. Epub 2013 Dec 24. PMID: 24455742; PMCID: PMC3884776.

Ebrahimzadeh-Ardakani, M., Ansari, K., Pourgholamali, H., & Sadri, Z. (2021). Investigating the prevalence of postpartum hair loss and its associated risk factors: a cross-sectional study. Iranian Journal of Dermatology, 24(4), 295-299. doi: 10.22034/ijd.2020.248619.1217

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