All Your Questions Answered: Everything You Need to Know About Our Scalp Elixir

The Scalp Elixir was our launch product and over the years it remains the number one selling product. We have received incredible feedback for the product along with questions. So, we thought it would be helpful to compile a list of the most common question we have received over the past two years. Here’s everything you need to know about our Scalp Elixir: 

How often should I use the Scalp Elixir?

If you are facing any scalp issue then we recommend using the product 2-3 times a week until you start seeing results. If you are generally happy with your scalp and are looking to maintain the health of your scal then once a week is ideal. 

Why do I have to wash the Scalp Elixir off?

The Scalp Elixir is an oil-based product and we don’t recommend leaving any oil based products on your scalp for a prolonged period of time. This rule is not specific to our Scalp Elixir, it applies to any oil-based scalp product. Oil is inherently a sticky substance, so leaving it on your scalp for a prolonged period of time will attract dust and dirt to your scalp and overtime can cause scalp buildup. Scalp buildup can cause a whole host of other scalp issues including itchiness, dryness, and hair loss.

What ingredients are in the Scalp Elixir?

The Scalp Elixir contains 11 different plant, seed and flower oils. Namely:

  • Sesame Seed
  • Green Tea
  • Hibiscus
  • Pumpkin Seed
  • Flax Seed
  • Sunflower Seed
  • Castor Seed
  • Black Seed
  • Rosemary Essential Oil
  • Thyme Essential Oil
  • Wheat Germ Oil

The seed oils are cold pressed, the flower and plant oils are infused and the essential oils are steam-distilled. All priduced in-house. 

Click here to learn more about the ingredients of the Scalp Elixir

Is this for any hair type?

Yes, if you have a scalp, you can use the Scalp Elixir.

How quickly can I see results with hair loss?

Results can vary depending on the individual and the severity of hair loss. Generally, you may start to notice a reduction in hair loss within 4-6 weeks of consistent use. It’s important to be patient and continue using the product as directed to achieve the best results.

How quickly can I see results with hair regrowth?

Hair regrowth is a gradual process and varies from person to person. Some users may start to see new hair growth within 3-6 months of consistent use. Factors such as overall health, diet, and hair care routine can also influence the speed and effectiveness of hair regrowth.

Click here to learn about how to help overcome your hair loss

How quickly will my itchy scalp resolve?

Our Scalp Elixir is designed to provide immediate soothing relief to an itchy scalp. You may start to feel relief after just one use and for other it takes a few uses. For long-term results, regular application as part of your hair care routine will help maintain a healthy, itch-free scalp.

Is it pregnancy safe?

We always prioritize the safety of our customers. The ingredients in our Scalp Elixir are generally considered safe for use during pregnancy. However, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before using any new hair care products during pregnancy, to ensure they are suitable for your individual situation.

Any additional questions?

There you have it! I hope this was helpful. These are the most common questions that we receive for the Scalp Elixir. If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to:

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