Mindful Production

Mindful production. Feel like it perfectly describes what we're about. We do what we can and what's in our capacity. Allow us to give examples:

We focus on trying to localise our production as much as possible. As an example, 98% of the ingredients used in our Scalp Elixir are sourced locally.

We compost the waste produced from pressing oils. When you send seed through an oil press you are left with, whats referred to as, the cake. This cake is highly nutritious and works perfectly for compost.

When we distill oils, we recycle the water used in the condenser (as it has no contact with the distilled oil and hydrosol).

We strike a balance between less wastage and making you feel valued. Our product packaging will be clean and practical. We chose to include outer packaging for our products to adhere to requirements as set by Tanzanian Bureau of Standards and it gives our customers vital information.  

And then the little things, we are not going to send you a box with decorative tissue and we won't add brand notes unless it makes sense.

Local Sourcing
We have localized as much as we can to start. Our driving force to press and distill our own oils was to be able to control our quality and select ingredients that salute our soil. 

We purchase satin locally and have tailors who sew the pillow cases and the scrunchies

Moving Forward
There are many aspects of our business that we can do better at and create a better impact. We have our wish list of changes, some are big wishes and some small and we're excited to get through them in the next few years.

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