About Us

At Pressed, we have very curious minds. Its why education is our core. 

We strive to develop products that are straightforward, backed by science with thoroughly vetted ingredients which means:

  • Involving scientists for formulations producing safe and efficacious products
  • Pressing and distilling our own ingredients giving us control over the potency and integrity of our oils
  • Keeping our ingredients list simple so we add what is needed, and leave out the fillers

We don’t believe in the language of “clean” and “organic” because we do feel that those words tend to induce fear of “unclean” and “inorganic”, truly, what does that even mean? For us, it’s about being mindful. Mindful of our ingredients, mindful of our impact on the environment, mindful of how we package our products and, ultimately, mindful on ensuring that you get the best experience.

From our editorial side we focus on sharing digestible information, backed by clinical studies or reviews. These helps us recommend small lifestyle changes and tips that can have a positive immediate or long-term impact. And most importantly, allows us to have honest and open conversations with you

About the Founder

Hey! I’m Natasha. I’m from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania where I currently live with my husband and 4-year-old daughter and I’m the founder of Pressed. I started Pressed for many reasons, most importantly it was to action how I represent beauty to my daughter.

Growing up, I brushed my hair as one does, and would end up with a wonderfully poofy mess. So, I straightened my hair by blow drying, flat ironing or using chemicals to make it more manageable. I’m approaching 40, and I just recently realized I had curly hair all my life! All those years of excessive heat and no protection caused a lot of damage.

As a side effect, I struggled with hair loss. My hair was thinning, I had random instances of alopecia areata (patchy hair loss) and the grand finale was post-partum hair loss. I felt awful.

It was around this time that I started experimenting with oils for my scalp, I became quite consistent with oiling my scalp but there were still a lot of other old habits that were stunting my progress.

After having my daughter, I began to question my understanding and appreciation of beauty. Was I embracing and accepting all of me, really and truly? I grew up in the times when dolls were slim with straight blond hair and Disney princesses never looked like me. The standard of beauty was never us.

Today’s representation of beauty tells a different story, my daughter is exposed to diversity in books and shows that my generation never saw. There were wounds that I needed to close, quickly. My first step, I took on “project healthy hair”. It wasn’t just about embracing my curls; it was about taking care of my hair. When you know how to take care of your unique self, magic happens.

This is what Pressed is about, embracing everything you are, experimenting as you please, and always being good to yourself. I promise to share my learnings on some of the easy, habitual things we can all do for long-term benefit.

Welcome to the Pressed family, we're so happy to have you!

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Giving Back

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Mindful Production

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