Could blood flow be the key to your hair growth? The short answer, yes.

The scalp is full of blood vessels and these blood vessels feed nutrients and oxygen to the root of your hair. There’s quite a bit of debate in the science community on the role of blood flow and how it determines your hair growth. Is reduced blood flow the cause of your hair loss/thinning or does blood flow reduce as your hair thins. Is it a cause or an effect?

A study by researchers published by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that the blood flow in patients with early male pattern baldness was 2.6 times lower that the blood flow values in normal individuals, which is a statistically significant data point. This study does not say that low blood flow causes hair thinning, but it does say that where there is hair…there is blood flow.

It could therefore be hypothesized that to have healthy, thriving hair follicles, you need to have good blood flow. This was tested by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) where they ran a study using two groups of mice. Group one was administered with a protein known to promote blood vessel growth, and group two, the control group, was left as normal. At the end of the study, it was found that the hair follicles in group one was individually bigger. Collectively, they increased the total volume of hair in group one by 70 percent. So, it could be concluded that increased blood flow, more nutrients and oxygen delivered, which equals better hair health. 

Most people are hesitant to start medication or consider surgery when they start losing hair, nor do they consider their hair loss severe enough to explore those routes just yet. They prefer starting off with natural solutions and take it from there. I personally did that too and found that, with consistency, I was able to start seeing results in a month and experience more robust results from month 2 onwards. Here are some tips to help increase blood circulation and stimulate your scalp. 


  1. Scalp massage: Your hair follicle is the only 'alive' part of your hair strand. It is driven by hyperactive stem cells. The gentle pressure you apply during a scalp massage can facilitate good blood circulation. This activates oxygenation, detoxification, and metabolism in the follicle cells and dilates blood vessels surrounding them. A study by researchers in Japan analyzed the effect of scalp massages on hair and it was found that daily 4-minute scalp massages over a period of 24 weeks increased the thickness of hair.
  1. Scalp oiling: Massaging a stimulating scalp oil like our Scalp Elixir prior to your wash day is highly beneficial. Essential oils can be effective in increasing blood circulation and have been proven to positively impact the health of your hair [link to article]
  1. A cleansed scalp. Blocked follicles due to sweat and sebum will constrict your hair follicles over time which results in a constricted access to blood flow. How often you wash your hair is a personal choice, we discuss some general guidelines here
  1. Diet and exercise: A balanced diet of proteins, fruits, vegetables and carbs combined with active movement multiple times a week helps body, mind…and scalp.


Whatever tips you adopt take it one step at a time. Be mindful, purposeful and realistic because the key to your healthy hair journey is consistency. Sometimes when we add too many changes it can be difficult to keep up with the routine and we feel discouraged. Perhaps you would like to oil your scalp once a week and that’s the day you massage too, start there. Every little bit will help, your healthy hair journey is exactly that, it’s a journey, and we’re here alongside you.




Klemp P, Peters K, Hansted B. Subcutaneous blood flow in early male pattern baldness. J Invest Dermatol. 1989 May;92(5):725-6. doi: 10.1111/1523-1747.ep12721603. PMID: 2715645.

Massachusetts General Hospital. (2001, February 19). Blood Vessels Hold Key To Thicker Hair GrowthScienceDaily. Retrieved October 31, 2021 from

Koyama, T., Kobayashi, K., Hama, T., Murakami, K., & Ogawa, R. (2016). Standardized Scalp Massage Results in Increased Hair Thickness by Inducing Stretching Forces to Dermal Papilla Cells in the Subcutaneous TissueEplasty16, e8.


  • Neelam

    Hii I applied on my daughters head scalp with apple vinegar and I see her hair falling off not as usual .Will this product help her hair scalp to stop hair fall?

  • Natasha Bhagat

    Hi Mariam, all our products are available on our website. We deliver anywhere in Tanzania for free

  • Mariam

    Where can I get this oil am in tanzania

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