Blood flow = Hair growth.


Beauty truly does start from within and one of the secrets to healthy hair is in the circulatory system.



Understanding the relationship between blood flow and hair growth can really change the way you approach your hair care, and gives you long-term benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind this connection and share practical tips to enhance blood flow to your scalp so you can accomplish your healthy hair goals.

The Science Behind Blood Flow and Hair Growth

The science behind blood flow and hair growth makes sense. Blood carries oxygen and vital nutrients to your hair follicle. It is a food source for your hair follicle to thrive. So, if you are dealing with hair thinning or you’re looking to improve the health of your hair, then looking at increasing blood flow could be a key factor to consider.

A study by researchers published by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that the blood flow in patients with early male pattern baldness was 2.6 times lower that the blood flow values in normal individuals, which is a statistically significant data point. This study does not say that low blood flow causes hair thinning, but it does say that where there is hair…there is blood flow. 

When blood flow to the hair follicles is compromised, hair can become weak, thin, and prone to falling out.

How Blood Flow Affects Hair Growth

Oxygen Supply: Adequate oxygen supply is crucial for cellular activity, including hair follicles. When oxygen-rich blood reaches your hair follicles, it strengthens them and promotes healthy hair growth.

Nutrient Delivery: Blood carries essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins. These nutrients are the building blocks of hair. Proper blood circulation ensures these nutrients reach the hair follicles, enhancing hair quality.

Hormonal Balance: Hormones play a significant role in hair growth. Proper blood circulation helps maintain hormonal balance, preventing issues like hair loss and promoting the growth of thick, healthy hair.

Ways to Improve Blood Flow to Your Scalp

1. Regular Scalp Massage: Massaging your scalp not only feels relaxing but also stimulates blood flow. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp in circular motions for a few minutes daily.

2. Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins supports overall blood circulation, benefiting your hair. Include foods like leafy greens, fish, nuts, and fruits in your diet.

3. Regular Exercise: Engaging in physical activities enhances blood circulation throughout your body, including your scalp. Aim for regular aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, or swimming.

4. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can reduce blood volume and slow down circulation. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water daily to maintain optimal blood flow.

5. Avoid Tight Hairstyles: Constantly tying your hair in tight hairstyles can restrict blood flow to the scalp. Opt for loose hairstyles to promote better circulation.

6. Scalp-friendly Products: Use hair care products enriched with ingredients like thymol (thyme essential oil) and ingredients with high levels of terpenes (like Rosemary essential oil and thyme essential oil) which can serve as vasodilators help to stimulate the scalp promoting blood flow

Click here to learn about the Scalp Elixir


Understanding the vital link between blood flow and hair growth empowers you to take proactive steps in your hair care routine. By incorporating scalp-friendly habits and products into your daily life, you can ensure that your hair follicles receive the nourishment they need to flourish. With improved blood circulation, you're well on your way to achieving the vibrant, healthy hair you've always desired. So, treat your scalp with care, and watch as your locks transform into the beautiful mane you’ve been dreaming of.


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