How much oil is too much oil?

Oils have a very natural affinity to our scalp and hair. Our scalp produces sebum which an oil, and our hair is lipophilic which means it is oil-loving. All this to say, that if oils are part of your scalp and hair care regimen, then you are on the right track. However as great as they are, you certainly need to find the right balance of oil use so that you can truly experience the benefits. In this article, we are going to talk about oil application, how much oil is too much oil? Let’s find out.

Why you shouldn’t be applying too much oil

The Myth of More Equals Better: Contrary to popular belief, dousing your hair and scalp in oil does not equate to superior results. Moderation and balance are key principles to abide by.

Applying too much oil to your scalp and hair can have several drawbacks and potential consequences. Aesthetically it gives your hair a greasy and weighed down appearance which is not pleasant. It can make it difficult to style your hair. But most importantly, it is harder to wash off. You’ll end up using way too much shampoo which can potentially dry out your scalp. And if you don’t wash it off properly, it has the potential to create scalp buildup and product buildup in general.

What is the right amount of oil?

When you’re applying a scalp oil, your scalp should appear moisturized, not dripping in oil.

When you’re applying a hair oil as a pre-wash treatment for your strands, again it should not appear excessively greasy.

When you’re applying a hair oil as an everyday leave-in, it should look like you have no oil in your hair.

The Importance of Following Product Instructions

We can speak on behalf of our products specifically, but these rules general apply to most hair and scalp oils on the market. Our Scalp Elixir and Nourishing Hair Oil are both extremely high-quality formulated oils. You DO NOT need to use them excessively for them to work. In fact, our recommendation is frequency and consistency over quantity.

What this means is that you should be sticking to a consistent scalp and hair care routine. Using the Scalp Elixir at least once a week, using the Nourishing Hair Oil every day. These habits are what is going to create results. If you’re not convinced, think about it this way, wouldn’t it make more financial sense for me to tell you to use more oil so I can sell more oil…?

The Scalp Elixir and Nourishing Hair Oil are meticulously formulated with specific concentrations to deliver optimal results. Each drop of the oils will deliver benefits. For the Scalp Elixir we recommend slightly less than a teaspoon for your scalp and with the Nourishing Hair Oil, one pump of the oil is enough for your hair.

Click here to learn about the Scalp Elixir formulation

Click here to learn about the Nourishing Hair Oil formulation

In Conclusion

Trust the process and, to do that, you need to trust the products you are using. It’s more important to use high quality formulations, stick to product use instructions and focus on creating and sticking to a consistent scalp and hair routine. This is what will create tangible results for you.

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