How often should I wash my hair?

Your lifestyle and hair type will impact how often you’re washing your hair.  In this article, we’ll go through the key factors to determine how often you should wash your hair, some myths we need to stop believing and end on some tips for optimal hair washing.

The key factors to consider when deciding your hair wash schedule are age, hair type and activity level.


The oil glands on our scalp produce what is called sebum. Depending on your age, the oil glands produce more or less sebum, which is directly linked to your hormone levels. Younger people usually have more active oil glands as their hormone levels are higher. Women after menopause produce less sebum, the same applies to men. So, as you age, this might mean that you wash your hair less often during the week.

Hair type

Curly and coily hair tend to be much drier than straight hair. In the case of curly and coily hair, the sebum must travel along the curls which is a slower process. Comparatively, sebum travels pretty quickly down straight hair. So, you’ll find that curly and coily hair needs to be washed less often than straight hair. Similarly, fine hair needs to be washed more often than thick hair because fine hair can look greasy quicker.

If you have chemically processed your hair, whether to make it straight, curly or colored, you’ll also want to wash your hair less often.

Activity level

If you’re getting sweaty multiple times a week, it’s advisable that you wash your hair often to avoid scalp buildup. Sweat does contribute to scalp buildup so keep a look out and see how your scalp is feeling.

All things considered, personally, I have curly hair, I work out 5 times a week. I find that washing my hair every 2-3 days works well for me.

Consider your lifestyle and what feels right for you. With this in mind...

Let’s debunk three common myths that can wrongly impact your hair washing decisions

MYTH 1: Washing your hair too often is bad for you

It isn’t. If you need to wash your hair every day, wash your hair every day. It is more important to ensure that you are using the right shampoo. If your scalp and hair is getting overly greasy and you need to wash it every day, do it.

MYTH 2: Shampoo is bad for you

No, it’s not. Bad shampoo is bad for your scalp. But that’s the same as a bad face cleanser, doesn’t mean face cleansers are bad, you’re just using the wrong one. If you need to wash your hair every day, try to find a gentle shampoo formulated for everyday use.

MYTH 3: You must use only sulfate-free shampoo

No. There is a place for sulfates in shampoo. I personally use a sulfate shampoo (usually labeled as a clarifying shampoo) once every few weeks as a reset for my hair. I feel like it just removes everything and gives me an extra deep clean. On the days that I use a clarifying shampoo, I follow up with a hydrating conditioner and leave-in. By the way, contrary to what we usually like to write about. There is no scientific evidence that clarifying shampoos should be used this way. My views on this are purely anecdotal. Again, do what works for you.

And lastly let’s go through some golden rules of hair washing:

  1. Shampoo is for your scalp, conditioner is for your hair

You must focus the use of shampoo on your scalp. This is where the sebum is collecting along with dust, sweat and product residue. You risk the chance of scalp buildup if you’re not thoroughly cleaning your scalp.

A good general rule is to shampoo your scalp and let the lather run through your hair during rinse off. Don’t apply shampoo to your hair directly. Conditioner, on the other hand, should not touch your roots its only for your hair.

  1. Shampoo twice

Your first shampoo picks up the dirt, grease and general buildup. Your second shampoo ensures that your scalp is perfectly clean. You will notice that your second shampoo lathers more than the first which is also a good indicator that your scalp is clean. A bonus is using a shampoo brush, these really help to give your scalp a deep clean and a massage.

  1. Use lukewarm water when washing your hair

Hot water is too harsh for your hair. We recommend lukewarm water which helps to loosen debris from your scalp and hair.

Check out this article for more hair washing tips.

End Thoughts

Wash your hair as often as you feel it needs to be washed. Personally, I don’t recommend going beyond 1 week, but I do know that longer time between hair washes works for some. My view on this is purely based on our general lifestyles. Beyond a week I feel there is quite a bit of buildup on your scalp that can cause long-term damage. But if it’s working for you, then go ahead.

A key factor for healthy hair is a healthy scalp. And a healthy scalp is a clean scalp. We want to ensure that there are no clogged or blocked follicles, and your scalp can “breathe” so you can produce a healthy head of hair.

With that said, I hope this gives you enough guidance to create a schedule that works best for you.

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