Three benefits of scalp oiling

The scalp has been all the rage in the beauty community, and for good reason. When it comes to the health of your hair, it is always best to focus on your scalp first. Scalp oiling has two components, the scalp oil and the massage. These two components give you three incredible benefits resulting in healthy hair. Let’s get into it!

Benefit 1: Increases blood flow 

The simple act of oiling your scalp means you are massaging it. And massaging your scalp helps to increase blood flow to your follicles and increased blood flow means your hair can grow to its potential. To put it simply:

Scalp Massage + Scalp Oil = Increase blood flow = Healthy hair

Let’s take androgenetic alopecia (female and male pattern baldness) as an example. This condition starts with thinning hair followed by balding. Your hair follicle (that lives under your scalp) starts getting smaller. As it gets smaller it accesses less blood and when this cycle continues the hair follicle can eventually cease to work resulting in baldness.

When you massage your scalp consistently, you are bringing blood flow into your scalp area which has proven to have incredible benefits including reversing hair thinning

Benefit 2: Delivers essential nutrients to your scalp

This benefit is dependent on the scalp oil that you use. We always recommend one that has a mix of terpenes (found in essential oils) and fatty carrier oils. Our Scalp Elixir is a formulation containing 11 different oils with 11 different benefits. It is a mix of two essential oils (rosemary and thyme) which are abundant in terpenes. Terpenes, known as natural penetration enhancers, can penetrate through the skin and deliver the nutrient benefits of the essential oils AND the carrier oils directly to your hair follicle.

The carrier oils in our Scalp Elixir are very high in fatty acids which lubricate and maintain an appropriate moisture level at your scalp.

Benefit 3: Exfoliates your scalp

The ingredients in your scalp oil along with the massage helps to exfoliate your scalp to loosen debris. Scalp build up is the cause of so many issues including itchy scalp, dry scalp, hair fall etc. Once your scalp is exfoliated, washing your scalp with shampoo after ensures your scalp is truly rid of all the buildup and your hair follicles can have a clean, balanced surface to work with. 


These three benefits to scalp oiling results in producing the healthiest hair because you have given your scalp the attention it needs. And keep these following notes

  • Consistency and patience are needed. When you’re practicing scalp oiling correctly you are going to notice notable differences with time.
  • Even if your scalp is healthy by your evaluation, it is beneficial to practice scalp oiling as a preventative measure
  • Bonus tip: scalp oiling the night before you sleep has some scientific benefits which you can find here


Klemp P, Peters K, Hansted B. 
Subcutaneous blood flow in early male pattern baldness. J Invest Dermatol. 1989 May;92(5):725-6. doi: 10.1111/1523-1747.ep12721603. PMID: 2715645.

Massachusetts General Hospital. (2001, February 19). Blood Vessels Hold Key To Thicker Hair GrowthScienceDaily. Retrieved October 31, 2021 from

Koyama, T., Kobayashi, K., Hama, T., Murakami, K., & Ogawa, R. (2016). Standardized Scalp Massage Results in Increased Hair Thickness by Inducing Stretching Forces to Dermal Papilla Cells in the Subcutaneous TissueEplasty16, e8.

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