Three types of hair damage that can ruin your hair


Did you know there are three main categories of hair damage? That means three different ways that your strands can be attacked. In this article we are going to explore chemical damage, mechanical damage, and environmental damage. We’ll talk about the causes, preventive measures, and effective remedies to avoid or reduce your chance of hair damage.

1. Chemical Damage

Causes: Chemical damage stems from exposure to harsh substances found in hair dyes, relaxers, and styling products. These chemicals strip away the hair's natural oils, leading to dryness, brittleness, and breakage. 

  • Opt for products with gentler formulations.
  • Limit the frequency of chemical treatments.
  • Always conduct a strand test before applying new chemical treatments.
  • Restore moisture with deep conditioning treatments.
  • Trim damaged ends regularly to prevent further breakage.
  • Consider natural alternatives or less damaging options for coloring and styling.

Click here for everything you need to know about coloring your hair

2. Mechanical Damage

Causes: Mechanical damage results from excessive manipulation, heat styling, and tight hairstyles. Poor-quality hair tools can contribute to breakage and split ends. 
  • Detangle wet hair using wide-tooth combs.
  • Limit the use of heat styling tools and use a heat protectant.
  • Opt for loose hairstyles that don't put stress on the hair shaft.
  • Embrace protective hairstyles to minimize daily manipulation.
  • Incorporate regular trims to eliminate split ends.
  • Allow hair to air-dry occasionally to reduce heat exposure.

Click here for 7 tips to heat style your hair with minimal damage

3. Environmental Damage

Causes: Environmental factors like sun exposure, pollution, and extreme weather conditions can wreak havoc on your hair. UV rays and pollution strip away natural oils, leaving your hair dry and vulnerable.
  • Wear hats or scarves to shield hair from the sun.
  • Use products with UV filters for added protection.
  • Rinse hair after swimming to remove chlorine and salt.
  • Replenish moisture with regular deep conditioning.
  • Consider protective styles in harsh weather conditions.
  • Use a clarifying shampoo occasionally to remove environmental buildup.

Click here to learn how to protect your scalp and hair from the sun

In conclusion

Understanding the sources of hair damage empowers you to take proactive steps in your hair care routine. By implementing these preventive measures and remedies, you can protect your tresses from chemical, mechanical, and environmental stressors, ensuring your hair stays vibrant and healthy. Remember, a little care goes a long way in maintaining the beauty of your locks.

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