You can regrow your hair in two weeks!

The promise of quick hair growth is an unethical and untrue claim. It can also be quite harmful psychologically, and potentially medically. It’s the too-good-to-be-true claims that you know…are too good to be true. Unfortunately, much like weight loss, the industry built behind hair loss can be problematic and products can be unfounded. Hair growth is a slow process much like weight loss. It takes time and has steps that you need to be involved in. In this article we will discuss the process and timeframe of hair growth and options you have if you are suffering from hair loss or thinning hair.

First let’s understand the hair growth cycle

Each hair follicle on your scalp goes through a specific hair growth cycle. After your hair has completed the anagen phase (the growth phase) it moves into catagen which is when the hair growth rate reduces, this lasts 2-3 weeks. The hair then moves into the telogen phase where it stops growing and prepares to shed. The telogen phase lasts 2-3 months and then moves into exogen (not pictured) which is the shedding phase, this phase lasts another 2-5 months.

The key takeaway here is the exogen phase. The main reason that this phase lasts 2-5 months is because the hair follicle grows a new hair, pushing the resting hair to shed. Understanding this explains why the hair re-growth process takes time, no matter what solutions you opt for. So, if a brand is telling you that can give you a two-week or even one month turnaround for hair re-growth…walk away.

What are the options for hair loss/hair thinning?

The most frequented solutions can be categorized as surgical, pharmaceutical, or natural solutions. We are going to break down the most common solutions for hair re-growth and list the pros, cons, and timeline


How often?



How long before you see results?

Scalp Oiling (with the Pressed Scalp Elixir

Apply and massage 2-3 times a week

Can reduce to once a week once you have achieved your results

No maintenance required post scalp oiling days


No side effects

Uses ingredients you understand

Requires consistent usage

3-6 months

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

Sessions every 2 weeks, total at least 4 sessions


You need a maintenance session once/year

No documented side effects as it uses PRP extracted from your own body



You may experience pain, discomfort, or bruising at the injection sites

Limited research verifying that it is effective

3-6 months

Hair Transplant

One time process


Long-term results


Skin bumps and scarring may appear

No margin of error (get a good specialist)

12-18 months


Must be applied used twice a day, every day

You lose your results as soon as you stop using it

Easy to use (topical solution)



No guarantee that it will work

6-9 months


One tablet ingested once a day

You lose your results as soon as you stop using it

Works for hair loss at the crown of the head

Easy to use

Some men may experience erectile dysfunction or a lower sex drive

Usually does not work for a receding hairline

Not formulated for women

3 months


Get the ultimate duo for your scalp health. The Scalp Elixir is used as a pre-shampo treatment. And the Shampoo Brush is used while washing your hair to give your scalp a wonderfully deep clean

Purchase the Scalp Care Set here

Closing thoughts

There you have it. The most common options for hair loss on one table for you to see that every single solution takes at least several months for you to start seeing results. Patience is key, and equally important, please act as soon as you start noticing hair loss or thinning. The longer you take to implement a solution, the harder it will be to reverse the hair loss.

And lastly, remember it is the sum of all parts that create results. Which means, diet, exercise, managing stress, sleeping well. These factors all impact your progress.

Hope this was helpful, give us a shout below if you have any questions We always love hearing from you. 

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