Can you make your hair thicker?

Thick hair, it is what we see in most images that market hair products. It is what the industry portrays as aspirational, no matter your hair type. But is it possible to make your hair thicker? In this article we will separate myth from fact so you can set your expectations.

So, can you make your hair thicker, the answer is, it depends.

If you’ve always had thin hair, that is genetic. You cannot change that. You will not be able to make your hair thicker.

If your hair is thinning due to hair loss. Yes, you can take steps to restore your hair

Why does your hair start thinning?

Before we get into the solutions, we want you to understand the science behind what is happening when your hair starts to get thinner. With this knowledge, the solutions will make more sense.

When your hair is thinning, it’s because your hair follicle is shrinking. Let’s reference the diagram below 

In order reverse the thinning, you need to focus on your scalp to relax the hair follicle, so it expands and hopefully goes back to its original state, or close to it. There are two things that you need to do. First, it’s important to take early action and secondly, please be consistent. Nothing changes overnight. 

When you are trying to regain or “thicken” your hair you want your scalp to be clean and you want your hair follicle to relax and widen so there is better access to blood flow. This takes time.

Here are five things you need to start doing immediately:

1 Apply a scalp oil once a week

Our Scalp Elixir contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial ingredients to heal your scalp. Additionally the Scalp Elixir contains terpenes which are natural penetration enhancers, which means it is able to penetrate your scalp to address issues beyond the surface of the scalp which is exactly what you need.

2 Keep your scalp clean.

Dust, dirt and sebum accumulate on your scalp causing damage over time. Wash your hair at least once a week, our Shampoo Brush gives you a gentle but deep clean. 

Get the Scalp Care Set, the perfect duo to care for your scalp so you can start growing healthier, stronger hair, click here to shop

3 Massage your scalp.

Take a few minutes a day and give you scalp a nice massage. Not only is it beneficial for your scalp…it feels good too. When massaging, you shouldn’t be rubbing your scalp. What you need to do is apply light to medium pressure on your head using your fingertips and then move your scalp in circular motions.

4 Reduce stress on your hair.

Avoid tight ponytails and tight braids. Switch your hairstyles often to prevent strain on one area of your scalp 

5 Address your diet.

It starts from the inside. Review your diet and ensure it is well balanced with proteins, veggies, carbs


And finally

Most importantly, be consistent. Just like weight loss or muscle gain, it takes time and it needs consistency.

You should start to see some results after a couple of months. And with time it gets better.

Of course, hair loss/thinning is extremely complex and sometimes the natural route doesn’t work at which point you might need to consider a prescription or medical procedure.


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